Auglaize County Clerk of Courts

Public Notice - OEPA Permit No.: 2IK0002*ID

May 07, 2018

Application No: OH0002593
OEPA Permit No.: 2IK0002*ID
Public Notice No.: OEPA 18-05-015MOD
National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit Program
NPDES Permit Modification to Discharge to State Waters
Ohio Environmental Protection Agency
Lazarus Government Center
50 West Town Street
P.O. Box 1049
Columbus, Ohio 43216-1049
(614) 644-2001
Public Notice No. IEPA 18-05-015MOD
Date of Issuance of Proposed Modification: April 27, 2018
Date of Public Notice: May 4, 2018
Effective Date of Modification: July 1, 2018 (proposed)
Name and Address of Applicant: G.A. Wintzer and Son Company, 204 West Auglaize Street, Wapakoneta, OH 45895
Name and Address of Facility where Discharge Occurs: G.A. Wintzer and Son Company, 12279 S Dixie Hwy, Wapakoneta, OH 45895, Auglaize County
Location of Discharge: 001, 002 & 003 – (Lat: 40N 32’ 00”: Long: 84W 11’ 30”)
Receiving Water: Pusheta Creek
Purpose of this Modification: To move the monitoring location of sampling station 801 to a location downstream of the bridge crossing CR 25A due to safety concerns. 

Application No: OH0002593
OEPA Permit No.: 2IK0002*ID
Public Notice No.: OEPA 18-05-015MOD
The following statements apply to the modification.
On the basis of preliminary staff review and application of standards and regulations, the Director of the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency has issued a proposed modification for the aforementioned discharge subject to certain effluent conditions and special conditions. The proposed modification is tentative but shall become final on the effective date unless: 1) an adjudication hearing is requested, 2) the Director withdraws and revised the proposed modification after consideration of the record of a public meeting, written comments, or statements, or 3) upon disapproval by the administrator of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
Within forty-five days of publication of this notice, any person may submit written comments, a statement as to why the proposed modification should be changed, a request for a public meeting on the proposed modification, and/or a request for notice of further actions concerning the modification. All communications timely received will be considered in the final formulation of the modification. If significant public interest is shown, a public meeting will be held prior to finalization of the modification. 
New or Revised Water Quality based Effluent Limitations  This proposed modification may contain new or revised water quality based effluent limitation(s) (WQBELs). In accordance with Ohio Revised Code Section 6111.03(J)(3), the Director establishes WQBELs after considering, to the extent consistent with  the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, evidence relating to the technical feasibility and economic reasonableness of removing the polluting properties from those wastes and to evidence relating to conditions calculated to result from that action and their relation to benefits to the people of the state and to accomplishment of the purposes of this chapter. This determination was made based on all pertinent data and information available to the Director at the time the modification was drafted.
This public notice hereby allows the permittee to provide to the Director for consideration during this public comment period, additional site-specific pertinent and factual information with respect to the technical feasibility and economic reasonableness for achieving compliance with any new or revised WQBEL(s). This information shall be submitted to the addresses listed below.
Should the applicant need additional time to review, obtain or develop site-specific pertinent and factual information with respect to the technical feasibility and economic reasonableness of achieving compliance with a new or revised WQBEL(s), written notification for an additional time shall be sent no late than 45 days after the date of this public notice to the Director at the addresses listed below.
Should the applicant determine that compliance with a new or revised WQBEL is technically and/or economically unattainable, the permittee may submit an application for a variance to the applicable WQBEL in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in Ohio Administrative Code (OAC) Rule 3745-33-07(D) no later than 45 days after the date of this public notice to the addresses listed below.
Alternately, the applicant may propose the development of site-specific water quality standard(s) pursuant to OAC Rule 3745-1-35. The permittee shall submit written notification to the Director regarding their intent to develop site-specific water quality standards for the pollutant at issue to the addresses listed below no later than 30 days after the date of this public notice.
      Application No: OH0002593
OEPA Permit No.: 2IK0002*ID
Public Notice No.: OEPA 18-05-015MOD
Within 45 days of the issuance of the proposed modification, any officer or an agency of the state or of a political subdivision, acting in his representative capacity or any person aggrieved or adversely affected by issuance of it may request an adjudication hearing by submitting a written objection in accordance with Ohio Revised Code Section 3745.07. Following the finalization of the modification by the Director, any person who was a party to an adjudication hearing may appeal to the Environmental Review Appeals Commission.
All comments or statements on the proposed modification and all requests for notice of further actions should be submitted in person or by mail to: Ohio Environmental Protection Agency, Division of Surface Water, Lazarus Government Center, Permits Processing Unit, 50 West Town Street, P. O. Box 1049, Columbus, Ohio 43216-1049. Applications, fact sheets, proposed permits including proposed effluent limitations, special conditions, comments received, and other documents are available for inspection and may be copied at a cost of 5 cents per page at the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency at the above address any time between the hours of 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. Copies of public notices are available at no charge at the same address.  
Individual NPDES draft permits that are in public notice are now available on DSW’s web site:
Requests for, and communications concerning, adjudication hearings and public meetings should be addressed to: Legal Records Section, Ohio Environmental Protection Agency, Lazarus Government Center, 50 West Town Street Ste 700, P. O. Box 1049, Columbus, Ohio 43266-0149, (614) 644-2115.
All communications should specify the OEPA permit number and public notice number.
Mailing lists are maintained for persons or groups who desire to receive public notice of proposed and final actions taken on applications for dischargers located in the state or in certain geographical areas. Persons or groups may have their names put on such a list by making a written request to the Permits Processing Unit. Persons or groups may also request copies of fact sheets, applications, or other documents pertaining to a specific application.  

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Public Notice - OEPA Permit No.: 2IK0002*ID

May 07, 2018

Application No: OH0002593
OEPA Permit No.: 2IK0002*ID
Public Notice No.: OEPA 18-05-015MOD
National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit Program
NPDES Permit Modification to Discharge to State Waters
Ohio Environmental Protection Agency
Lazarus Government Center
50 West Town Street
P.O. Box 1049
Columbus, Ohio 43216-1049
(614) 644-2001
Public Notice No. IEPA 18-05-015MOD
Date of Issuance of Proposed Modification: April 27, 2018
Date of Public Notice: May 4, 2018
Effective Date of Modification: July 1, 2018 (proposed)
Name and Address of Applicant: G.A. Wintzer and Son Company, 204 West Auglaize Street, Wapakoneta, OH 45895
Name and Address of Facility where Discharge Occurs: G.A. Wintzer and Son Company, 12279 S Dixie Hwy, Wapakoneta, OH 45895, Auglaize County
Location of Discharge: 001, 002 & 003 – (Lat: 40N 32’ 00”: Long: 84W 11’ 30”)
Receiving Water: Pusheta Creek
Purpose of this Modification: To move the monitoring location of sampling station 801 to a location downstream of the bridge crossing CR 25A due to safety concerns. 

Application No: OH0002593
OEPA Permit No.: 2IK0002*ID
Public Notice No.: OEPA 18-05-015MOD
The following statements apply to the modification.
On the basis of preliminary staff review and application of standards and regulations, the Director of the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency has issued a proposed modification for the aforementioned discharge subject to certain effluent conditions and special conditions. The proposed modification is tentative but shall become final on the effective date unless: 1) an adjudication hearing is requested, 2) the Director withdraws and revised the proposed modification after consideration of the record of a public meeting, written comments, or statements, or 3) upon disapproval by the administrator of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
Within forty-five days of publication of this notice, any person may submit written comments, a statement as to why the proposed modification should be changed, a request for a public meeting on the proposed modification, and/or a request for notice of further actions concerning the modification. All communications timely received will be considered in the final formulation of the modification. If significant public interest is shown, a public meeting will be held prior to finalization of the modification. 
New or Revised Water Quality based Effluent Limitations  This proposed modification may contain new or revised water quality based effluent limitation(s) (WQBELs). In accordance with Ohio Revised Code Section 6111.03(J)(3), the Director establishes WQBELs after considering, to the extent consistent with  the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, evidence relating to the technical feasibility and economic reasonableness of removing the polluting properties from those wastes and to evidence relating to conditions calculated to result from that action and their relation to benefits to the people of the state and to accomplishment of the purposes of this chapter. This determination was made based on all pertinent data and information available to the Director at the time the modification was drafted.
This public notice hereby allows the permittee to provide to the Director for consideration during this public comment period, additional site-specific pertinent and factual information with respect to the technical feasibility and economic reasonableness for achieving compliance with any new or revised WQBEL(s). This information shall be submitted to the addresses listed below.
Should the applicant need additional time to review, obtain or develop site-specific pertinent and factual information with respect to the technical feasibility and economic reasonableness of achieving compliance with a new or revised WQBEL(s), written notification for an additional time shall be sent no late than 45 days after the date of this public notice to the Director at the addresses listed below.
Should the applicant determine that compliance with a new or revised WQBEL is technically and/or economically unattainable, the permittee may submit an application for a variance to the applicable WQBEL in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in Ohio Administrative Code (OAC) Rule 3745-33-07(D) no later than 45 days after the date of this public notice to the addresses listed below.
Alternately, the applicant may propose the development of site-specific water quality standard(s) pursuant to OAC Rule 3745-1-35. The permittee shall submit written notification to the Director regarding their intent to develop site-specific water quality standards for the pollutant at issue to the addresses listed below no later than 30 days after the date of this public notice.
      Application No: OH0002593
OEPA Permit No.: 2IK0002*ID
Public Notice No.: OEPA 18-05-015MOD
Within 45 days of the issuance of the proposed modification, any officer or an agency of the state or of a political subdivision, acting in his representative capacity or any person aggrieved or adversely affected by issuance of it may request an adjudication hearing by submitting a written objection in accordance with Ohio Revised Code Section 3745.07. Following the finalization of the modification by the Director, any person who was a party to an adjudication hearing may appeal to the Environmental Review Appeals Commission.
All comments or statements on the proposed modification and all requests for notice of further actions should be submitted in person or by mail to: Ohio Environmental Protection Agency, Division of Surface Water, Lazarus Government Center, Permits Processing Unit, 50 West Town Street, P. O. Box 1049, Columbus, Ohio 43216-1049. Applications, fact sheets, proposed permits including proposed effluent limitations, special conditions, comments received, and other documents are available for inspection and may be copied at a cost of 5 cents per page at the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency at the above address any time between the hours of 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. Copies of public notices are available at no charge at the same address.  
Individual NPDES draft permits that are in public notice are now available on DSW’s web site:
Requests for, and communications concerning, adjudication hearings and public meetings should be addressed to: Legal Records Section, Ohio Environmental Protection Agency, Lazarus Government Center, 50 West Town Street Ste 700, P. O. Box 1049, Columbus, Ohio 43266-0149, (614) 644-2115.
All communications should specify the OEPA permit number and public notice number.
Mailing lists are maintained for persons or groups who desire to receive public notice of proposed and final actions taken on applications for dischargers located in the state or in certain geographical areas. Persons or groups may have their names put on such a list by making a written request to the Permits Processing Unit. Persons or groups may also request copies of fact sheets, applications, or other documents pertaining to a specific application.  

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